The Impact of Food – Plant vs Meat Based Diet

While climate change continues to make itself one of the most controversial issues of the century food in particular has become responsible for “26% of the global green house gas emission contributed towards the global warming effect” according to scientific article by Hannah Ritchie. What we eat is becoming the single largest enemy to planet Earth, our only hope is for the farmer and the consumer to come together and acknowledge the facts and start making real changes in what we eat and how we make it. But is the plant or meat-based food industry the leading cause of GHG emissions and how can consumers and the food industry create a better future?

Scientific terms to measure and label what exactly is happening .

Artist – Hagen, Ralph

There is a saying “health is wealth”, you eat healthy and you’ll be successful and be a wealthy—but what if you odds are against you? Companies that offer healthy food are not opening in your neighborhood—why would someone deprive the consumer of a healthy wealthy life?

Artist – Greenberg, Steve

Meat is not the only contributing factor to deforestation, extinction of species of animals, but the factory farms creating produce such as corn.

There is a saying “health is wealth”, you eat healthy and you’ll be successful and be a wealthy—but what if you odds are against you? Companies that offer healthy food are not opening in your neighborhood—why would someone deprive the consumer of a healthy wealthy life?

Artist – Shafer, Jessie

Works Cited

Buterbaugh, Kevin. “Trade and the Environment.” Encyclopedia of Violence, Peace and Conflict, edited by Lester R. Kurtz, Elsevier Science & Technology, 2nd edition, 2008. Credo Reference.

Capritto, Amanda. “ Impossible Burger vs. beef: Which is better for the environment?”CNET Health and Wellness. 28 October 2019

Carlsson-Kanyama, Annika. “Diet, Energy, and Greenhouse Gas Emissions.” Encyclopedia of Energy, Cutler J. Cleveland, Elsevier Science & Technology, 1st edition, 2004. Credo Reference.

Newman, Jess and Patrick McGroarty. “Farms, More Productive Than Ever, Are Poisoning Drinking Water in Rural America’’ The Wall Street Journal. 18 January 2019.

Pollan, Michael. The Omnivore’s Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals. New York: Penguin Group, 2006.

Tugend, Alina. “Is the New Meat Any Better Than the Old Meat?” The New York Time. 24 September 2019

“Vegetarianism.”ProCon, edited by, 2018. Credo Reference.

2 thoughts on “The Impact of Food – Plant vs Meat Based Diet

  1. Great topic. I personally think animal consumption is one of the most pressing issues to date. I really value the fact that you wrote about “food deserts” and accessibility of plat-based options to those in lower socioeconomic situations. I do believe a vegan diet is the most sustainable diet for our planet and for the reduction of climate change. However, I do have a problem with the stigma that is placed on people who do not have access to plant based foods – people should not be criticized for consuming animal products. Rather, we should educate individuals on the topic. Your blog definitely helps to raise awareness. I don’t know how we reduce meat consumption to the degree that is needed to start reversing climate change. Do you think it is up to those who do have access to plant based foods, financially and geographically, to buy these options, therefore increasing demand, and forcing the animal agriculture industry out of business?


  2. This is an very interesting and deep analysis about food sector we are so familiar with. I never know that our food industry is so massive around the world until I read your article. It is so important that we should preserve our environment and minimize the damage from every aspect. I really liked the way you connect the plant-based food with health and environment, comparing to meat-based food. I would love to hear more about the insights you have regarding live-stock farms and environment. What do you think about the meat-hunger people and how will they look at the environment impacts from meat-based food you are investigating?
    I am looking forward to more fun and useful information on this topic!


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